Facing a custody dispute can be one of the most challenging and emotionally charged experiences in your life. As the managing partner of Shaw Divorce & Family Law, I understand the weight of the responsibility that comes with protecting your child’s well-being.

In this article, I want to share with you our top ten strategies for aggressively litigating custody disputes. Our unwavering focus is on fighting for your child’s best interests, and we are here to provide the dedicated representation you need during this difficult time.

1. Thorough Case Preparation: Thorough case preparation is crucial for building a strong foundation for your custody dispute. Collect all relevant documents, such as school records, medical records, communication logs, and audio/video recordings, and organize them systematically. Carefully analyze the facts of your case, identify key witnesses, and anticipate potential arguments from the opposing party. By proactively addressing potential issues, you can present a well-rounded and compelling case.

2. Expert Witnesses and Evaluations: Engaging expert witnesses, such as child psychologists or therapists, can provide invaluable insights into your child’s well-being. These professionals can conduct evaluations and assessments to support your claims regarding the child’s best interests. Their expertise and objective opinions can carry significant weight in court, adding credibility to your case.

3. Zealous Advocacy in Court: When presenting your case in court, adopt a zealous and passionate advocacy approach. Effectively communicate your position, emphasizing your strengths as a parent and the positive impact you have on your child’s life. Challenge the opposing party’s arguments while maintaining professionalism and respect for the court. Oral advocacy skills and persuasive written arguments can greatly influence the court’s decision-making process.

4. Rigorous Cross-Examination: Cross-examination is a perhaps the best opportunity to challenge the opposing party’s testimony and uncover inconsistencies or weaknesses in their claims. By conducting thorough preparation, you can strategically question their statements and expose any discrepancies that may undermine their credibility. This can significantly impact the court’s perception of their reliability and strengthen your position, especially when the material facts are in dispute.

5. Investigation and Discovery: Through thorough investigation and effective use of the discovery process, you can gather evidence that supports your case. Conduct interviews, collect relevant documents, and explore any potential leads that may uncover important information. Uncovering evidence of substance abuse, neglect, or other factors that may affect the child’s well-being can be crucial in establishing your position as the more suitable custodial parent.

6. Challenging Parental Fitness: One of the key aspects of aggressive litigation is challenging the opposing party’s parental fitness. This involves presenting evidence that highlights any behavior or circumstances that may be detrimental to the child’s well-being. By demonstrating your own fitness as a parent and exposing any concerns about the opposing party’s parenting abilities, you can strengthen your case for custody.

7. Vigilant Monitoring and Reporting: Maintaining vigilant monitoring of the opposing party’s actions is crucial during the litigation process. Document any violations or breaches of court orders, missed visitations, or instances of inappropriate behavior that may impact the child’s well-being. Promptly report these incidents to the court, demonstrating the opposing party’s disregard for court orders and their potential negative impact on the child.

8. Court-Appointed Guardians Ad Litem (GALs): In complex custody cases with high conflict, requesting a court-appointed guardian ad litem can be a strategic move. Guardians ad litem are independent advocates for the child’s best interests. They are appointed to evaluate the circumstances, investigate relevant factors, and make recommendations to the court. Collaborating with a guardian ad litem and providing them with necessary information can further strengthen your case.

9. Pursuing Violations & Contempt of Court: If the opposing party repeatedly violates court orders or engages in behavior that jeopardizes the child’s well-being, seek orders holding him or her in violations of litigant’s rights and consider pursuing contempt of court charges when appropriate. This typically involves filing a motion to hold the opposing party in violation of a court order (although actual contempt charges require a more extensive procedure), requesting appropriate consequences such as fines, modification of custody arrangements,  supervised visitation, community service, or even jail time. By pursuing violations, you send a clear message that non-compliance with court orders will not be tolerated, and you prioritize the child’s safety and well-being above all else.

When it comes to aggressively litigating custody disputes, we are committed to fighting for your child’s best interests with passion, dedication, and a deep sense of empathy. Our team at Shaw Divorce & Family Law is here to provide the relentless representation you need during this challenging time. Our experienced team of attorneys understands the complexities of custody disputes and the importance of protecting your child’s best interests. We combine aggressive litigation strategies with heartfelt dedication to ensure the most favorable outcome for you and your child.

If you are facing a custody dispute in New Jersey and are seeking an advocate who will fight tirelessly on your behalf, please don’t hesitate to contact Shaw Divorce & Family Law. Our compassionate team is ready to listen to your story, assess your case, and develop a personalized strategy that aligns with your goals. We are committed to guiding you through the legal process with unwavering support and unwavering focus on protecting your child.

Remember, you don’t have to face this challenging journey alone. Let us be your trusted allies as we aggressively fight to secure the best interests of your child in the custody dispute. Reach out to Shaw Divorce & Family Law today and take the first step toward securing a brighter future for you and your child.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not be considered legal advice. Custody disputes can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of each case. It is important to consult with a qualified attorney to receive personalized advice tailored to your situation.
